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Date: Thu, 6 Jul 95 13:17 CDT
From: johnc@mcs.com (John Crookshank)
To: lightwave@webcom.com (lightwave)
Subject: Abekas
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On 05-Jul-95 19:22:04, MADVIDEO (MADVIDEO@delphi.com) E-Mailed:
> I am using ASDG's Abekas driver for ADPro. I have an
> 8200 exabyte drive connected to my 2000/040. I rendered the
> frames to D1 in Lightwave but it still wants to convert the
> images to YUV in ADPro. Shouldn't these images already be YUV.
> The convertion in ADPro is taking 2plus minutes a frame, and
> with 1230 frames to do, I could drive (ok maybe not drive) to
> Europe and use a PAR or do something else quicker.
That's just the way that it works. The "Abekas" format specifies not only
the data format on the tape, but D1 YUV for the images as well. Selecting
D1 in LW only sets the resolution and pixel aspect ratio, the files are
still Amiga IFF. Even if you use the HIIP option in LW to save as YUV (if
that option exists), you're still using the ASDG/ER engine that is
esentially the guts of AdPro to convert the frames after saving.
Where are you taking these frames after transferring to tape? If it's just
another machine locally, networking the two together would be more